
Shiga Museum of Art


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May 1979
  • Planning Committee for Construction of Shiga Prefectural Museum of Art established
March 1980
  • Shiga Prefectural Museum of Art Development Fund established (Article 4 of the Ordinance)
May 1980
  • Prefectural Museum of Art Construction Committee and Prefectural Museum of Art Collection Review Committee established
January 1981
  • Prefectural Museum of Art (provisional name) Design Competition Judging Committee established
March 1981
  • Design Competition enacted
April 1981
  • Shiga Prefectural Board of Education Secretariat, Department of Culture, Prefectural Museum of Art Opening Preparation Office established
June 1981
  • Prefectural Museum of Art (provisional name) Design Competition Judging Committee selects winning design proposal
July 1981
  • Review results announced
August 1981
  • Prefectural Art Museum (tentative name) new construction design contract
December 1981
  • Design completed
October 1983
  • Construction work completed
April 1984
  • The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga established
August 26, 1984
  • Opening ceremony, museum opening, opening to the public
September 8, 1984
  • Shiga Prefectural Museum of Modern Art Members’ Association launched, office established in the museum
October 13, 1984
  • 1st Shiga Prefectural Museum of Modern Art Council held
April 1, 1985
  • Advance tickets system began with Yamamoto Shunkyo exhibition
April 28, 1985
  • Information center set up at north entrance of Culture Zone
August 1, 1985
  • Shiga Prefectural Museum of Modern Art Price Evaluation Committee for Acquisitions established
May 20, 1986
  • FY61 General Meeting of the Japan Association of Art Museums held at Shiga Prefectural Museum of Modern Art
June 6, 1987
  • Celebrated Places of Omi, set of six screen in the museum collection, designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan
November 1, 1987
  • implementation of admission fees exempte for academic groups in the prefecture
April 1, 1989
  • Free viewing of collection exhibition for seniors aged 65 and over and persons of all ages with physical and mental disabilities residing in the prefecture implemented(Measures to waive prefectural fees)
March 19, 1992
  • High-definition television gallery set up in lobby in front of the Wood Hall
September 1, 1992
  • In conjunction with days off on the second Saturday of each month for schools, etc., free admission to the collection exhibitions for children living in the prefecture or students attending elementary, junior high, and high schools in the prefecture implemented
April 1, 1993
  • On 3rd Sunday of each month (Family Day), collection exhibition admission made free for prefectural residents who come with family members
May 5, 1993
  • Free admission to collection exhibition on May 5 (Children’s Day) implemented
June 9, 1993
  • Free admission to collection exhibition on day of marriage of Crown Prince and Princess implemented
March 23, 1996
  • Digital video server installed
April 1, 1997
  • In conjunction with days off on the fourth Saturday of each month for schools, etc., free admission to the collection exhibitions for children living in the prefecture or students attending elementary, junior high, and high schools in the prefecture implemented
April 1, 1997
  • Museum administration transferred to the Prefectural Residents Planning Department
September 7-12, 1999
  • In conjunction with 15th anniversary of museum opening, temporary free admission to Masterpieces from the Collection: Japanese Paintings and Crafts exhibition
November 12, 1999
  • Free admission to collection exhibition to commemorate 10th anniversary of Emperor’s coronation
January 5 and 10, 2000
  • In conjunction with 15th anniversary of museum opening, temporary free admission to Masterpieces from the Collection: Contemporary Art and New Experience
March 21, 2000
  • Website launched
October 31-December 15, 2000
  • Special exhibition in memory of Ogura Yuki (died on July 23, 2000 at the age of 105)
September 9, 2001
  • Implement of museum volunteer system
November 15-16, 2003
  • Free admission to collection exhibition on Kansai Culture Day implemented
April 1, 2004
  • Free admission of collection exhibition for persons of all ages with physical and mental disabilities implemented
April 10, 2004
  • Princess Tomohito of Mikasa attends special exhibition Tsumugi Weaving of Fukumi Shimura
June 5-September 5, 2004
  • The Age of the Copy exhibition held to commemorate 20th anniversary of museum’s opening
April 1, 2006
  • Participated in Museum Gurutto Pass Kansai 2006., Fees for special and collection exhibitions discounted
July 15, 2006
  • South Lake Biwa Area Stamp Rally held
December 20, 2007
  • Collaborative study group established by school teachers and the Museum of Modern Art, Shiga
January 5, 2008
  • Museum shop relocated and renovated
March 19, 2008
  • Agreement on mutual cooperation with Seian University of Arts and Design concluded
October 1, 2008
  • Mini-gallery opened
December 5, 2008
  • Agreement on mutual cooperation with Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art concluded