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Collection Exhibition

Hidden buddha over a thousand years old and everlasting scenes of Omi, Shiga

Period October 7 (Sat.) ー November 19 (Sun.), 2023

重要文化財《大日如来坐像》平安時代 正福寺(湖南市)


Shiga Prefecture, with its abundant natural beauty and rich history, is home to scores of cultural assets that have been handed down throughout the prefecture. To introduce those treasures from the Shiga region more broadly, our museum is co-hosting a special collaborative exhibition with the Museum of Shiga Prefecture Biwako Bunkakan, as part of our standing exhibition.
Since its opening in 1961, the Museum of Shiga Prefecture Biwako Bunkakan (the Biwako Bunkakan) has surveyed, researched, displayed, and conserved regional cultural resources. In this exhibition, the focus is on Buddhist statues from Shofuku-ji Temple, a notable temple in Konan city, that are on deposit with the Biwako Bunkakan. They are joined by paintings and craft works that express the nature of Shiga, which has nurtured such invaluable cultural assets, from the collections of our museum and the Biwako Bunkakan.
The Seated Dainichi Nyorai (Important Cultural Property), the main focus of devotion at Shofuku-ji Temple, is among the oldest Garbhadhatu Dainichi Nyorai statues in Japan. Created in the Heian period (794-1185), it is a hibutsu, a Buddhist statute not usually shown to the general public. This exhibit of it is the first in thirty-three years and the very first outside the temple. In addition, the exhibition will include a special display of the Seated Fudo Myoo (Important Cultural Property) from Zensui-ji Temple, also in Konan. This sculpture was created in the same period as the Seated Dainichi Nyorai and is thought to be extremely closely related to it.
To express Shiga’s cultural and natural climate, the exhibition also includes, paintings from the Muromachi through the Edo periods (1338-1868) depicting the lavish waters of Lake Biwa, the deep green of the mountains, and festivals in Shiga, plus Shigaraki ceramics from the Momoyama period (1574-1600).
We hope that you will enjoy this collaborative performance between Buddhist images over a thousand years old and everlasting scenes of Shiga.


October 7 (Sat.) ー November 19 (Sun.), 2023



Opening Hours

9:30-17:00(Last admission at 16:30)


Shiga Museum of Art Gallery1


Adults ‒ 540JPY (430JPY)
University & High School Students ‒ 320JPY(260 JPY)
Under High School Students: Free
Holders of a ID of physical disability, mental disability, or intellectual disability: Free
*Addmission Fees in ( ) are group rates for groups of 20 or more.
*Collection exhibition tickets allow access to Gallery 1, Ogura Yuki Corner, and Gallery 2.
◎Every Sunday is “Wooden House Specialty Store Taniguchi Komuten Free Sunday,” when the Collection exhibition is open to everyone free of charge.

Organized by

Shiga Museum of Art, The Museum of Shiga Prefecture Biwako Bunkakan

Special suported

Zensui-ji, Shofuku-ji

Curated by

Yamaguchi Mayuka (Shiga Museum of Art) , Wazumi Kosuke (The Museum of Shiga Prefecture Biwako Bunkakan)